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As it stands 55% of teenagers are using voice search on a daily basis, while 60% of smartphone users have tried voice search at least once in the past 12 months. This gives an indication of the numbers of people adopting voice technology .
But when did the widespread adoption of voice begin and how fast is it growing?
The first real mass introduction to voice technology was with the launch of Siri by Apple in 2011, this was followed 3 years later by Amazon when they launched Alexa in November 2014. At the time many believed these were just novelties.

For Amazon the Alexa “Novelty” has seen sales of over 100 million Alexa devices worldwide and according to Juniper research there are now 2.5 billion voice assistants available in the market globally. (Juniper Research).
This number is expected to more than triple in the next five years. Voice technology is constantly improving and voice generated content is growing at an exponential rate.

What is causing this growth?
There are many reasons some of which are as follows. Voice is extremely convenient, it is easily accessible and more rapidly responding than any other means of searching for or sharing of information. This information is available 24/7, it can be triggered hands-free, and can now answer questions and give information on par with Google’s search engine.
Uptake may be slower than other artificial intelligence-operated technologies like chatbots, but voice technology is experiencing an upswing right now so much so that VC Firm Mangrove Capital Partners has made a bold forecast that the voice technology economy will be worth a trillion dollars by 2025.
Voice generated content is also on the ascendancy with the traditional podcast industry seeing the beginning of its own boom. Everyday more and more individuals ,businesses and organisations are launching their own podcast.
Recently top podcaster Joe Rogan signed a $100 million dollar deal with Spotify to share his show exclusively on their platform. This trend will continue.

So, if you combine the growth and advancement of voice technology with the growing demand for podcasts and voice based content it is not adverse to suggest that for any content strategy moving forward utilising voice is a NEED not a WANT.
This is all very exciting for anyone involved in the voice industry and this is all before we even touch on the emergence of the next evolution of e-commerce, voice commerce (or v-commerce). Essentially this is the ability to buy and sell products or services via voice. This will change all business, retail and commerce as we know it today.We will dive into this fascinating topic in more detail more in a future cast on Limor.
This evident exponential growth in voice technology and the voice economy will spark many people around the world to ask the question , how do I get involved in this new era of audio? The answer to that is simple, Limor.

Limor gives instant access to create and share your audio or traditional podcast as well as instantly interact via voice. As voice technology continues to evolve and improve so will Limor. But we will be very careful to hold onto what makes voice content and interaction so powerful. Its humanity. Limor strives to bring us back in touch with our most personal form of communication, our voice — which connects us all on a deeper, raw, more spontaneous level.
With Limor you don’t just talk to your listeners and followers you speak with them, sparking real conversations and real relationships, it is social audio.
On that note spark a conversation with us on Limor by leaving a voice comment on our latest cast.
Or if you are listening to this cast outside of Limor It’s time to get onboard with Social Audio. Download our app at www.limor.ie