Thank you Joe Rogan.
You may have heard the news that Joe Rogan will be taking his podcast The Joe Rogan Experience exclusively to Spotify Technology in a licensing deal speculated to be worth more than $100 million. It is this news that has inspired me to write this article to say thank you to Joe Rogan.
I am guessing while reading this you may be asking the question why? why am I thanking a man that I have never met and a man who has just signed one of the biggest podcast deals in history for a reported $100 million? why does he need my thanks?
The answer is he doesn’t need my thanks! he has just signed a deal for $100 million! Why I feel the need to thank Joe Rogan is like most things in life, it is multifaceted.
A Fans Gratitude
To begin with, I am a big fan of Joe Rogan, I enjoy his comedy, I enjoy his UFC punditry and of course I am a fan of his podcast The Joe Rogan Experience. As a fan of his podcast I am thankful for all the wonderful conversations Joe has shared with the world over the years. I am thankful for the people that Joe has introduced me too and for the amazing stories and knowledge that these guests have talked about on the show. I have been inspired, motivated and entertained by these incredible personalities and if it was not for Joe Rogan and his podcast I may never have discovered these incredible characters and their way of thinking. This makes me grateful.
The Gold Standard
Another thing I am thankful for is that Joe Rogan and his Podcast has helped me with my own business. I am the founder and CEO of a new start up tech company called Limor. Limor is a social audio platform that allows users to instantly record, edit and share their voice or traditional podcast with the world straight from their phone. Unlike traditional podcasts which are a monologue (one way listening) Limor allows for conversation. A Limor user can talk directly with their podcast listeners and listeners can talk directly with the podcast host (or as we call them casts) via the apps voice comments functionality, sparking real conversation. This conversational aspect of Limor gives a new and unique social audio experience.
For example just imagine listening to an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience leaving a voice comment and then getting a voice response from Joe himself, that would be awesome.

Leader In His Field
So, how has Joe Rogan helped Limor? inadvertently so. Whichever path you choose to follow in life be it sport, business, art etc there is always someone who came before, someone to inspire, to innovate, to lead or mould an industry. The Michael Jordans, The Peles, The Arnold Schwarzeneggers, The Muhammad Alis, The Katie Taylors, The Little Richards, The Beatles, the David Bowies, The Leonardo Da Vinci’s the list goes on. For me in traditional podcasting Joe Rogan is that man.

When it comes to traditional podcasting Joe Rogan is the gold standard and now that gold has a confirmed monetary value of $100 million.
I am thankful Joe Rogan was there to lead the way and give me an example to draw on as inspiration for social audio and my own traditional podcast Mono E Mono
For the past 5 years, my focus, my energy and my passion has been entirely invested into the industry and genre of voice, traditional podcasting and the next evolution of both these archetypes Limor social audio. At times it has been difficult for various reasons but my passion and belief has never wavered. One of the biggest difficulties has been other peoples belief or lack there of. A lack of belief in the emerging market of voice, podcasting and social audio. This applies to conversations I have had with friends, family, potential new Limor users or investors. In order to help them understand Limor, the growth in the voice economy and power of podcasting I almost always reference Joe Rogan and his podcast. A lot of this lack of belief purely stems from a lack of awareness and or understanding. Joe Rogan has done as much as anyone to make people aware of the power of podcasting, long form content and the importance of honest debate and conversation.

This news of Joe’s $100 million deal could be the catlyst to drastically accelerate the adoption of voice, podcasting and social audio into the mainstream.
Joe Rogan started his podcast and continued to build it because he enjoyed doing so, he has a passion and love for it. This I can relate too as have a passion and real belief in what I am aiming to achieve with Limor.
When I discuss what the power of voice means, how important the new era of audio is and how important having a sonic identity has become I again reference Joe Rogan and his podcast. When I am asked the question — “Yes thats all well and good but can podcasts make money?” I can now reference this historic Joe Rogan $100 million deal when having future conversations, thanks again Joe.
I have no doubt that Joe Rogan has inspired millions of people around the globe in a positive way thanks to his podcast and will continue to do so for ages to come. Im thankful for the these current and future podcasters who will join the community as a result of listening to Joe Rogan. These Podcasters may one day become early adopters of Limor and social audio and grow into great communicators in their own right.
So I am also thankful to Joe Rogan for what is yet to come.
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