As we enter the first week of 2019 there is no better time to share this article on how Limor was initially conceived — back in December of 2014!
At the time Limor Founder and CEO Shane Monahan, as seen in the video above, was still playing professional rugby in England for Gloucester Rugby and as a result had not yet entered the world of entrepreneurship and business. A degree in product design from D.I.T in Dublin certainly helped with his understanding regarding the life cycle of a product like Limor and throughout the remainder of Shane’s time as a rugby player there was plenty of research and conceptualisation being done in the background. This research was the first step in the journey.

As we write, Limor is now fully launched and sets the standard in the world of ‘Social Audio’ (check out our first medium article on “What is social audio”).
Although the initial idea dates as far back as 2014, the official launch of Limor was only as recent as September of 2018. This was when Limor was made available on both iOS and Android devices. Since the beginning of the Limor journey in 2014, there has been multiple things for Shane and his team to look at. These included the market, the functionality, technology in the world, investors, app developers, and building a prototype of the app after all this research was complete.
The thing about a product like Limor however, is that in modern times, technology is constantly improving and changing and this research into where things are going and how it ties in with the potential of Limor is an ongoing process. It is important to stay on top of this as after a product is launched the hard work doesn’t stop there, it only begins.

Since our launch we have constantly been asking for and receiving feedback from our users, learning more about the industry and putting all this together to work towards new versions and updates to achieve maximum user experience.
As a result the product is constantly improving and our goals and targets for the next few years are extremely ambitious but also very achievable and realistic — especially when you consider the ground work that has been done to date and the market that is out there for new forms of social media and voice technology.
Download Limor yourself and let us know any feedback and any ways that you think we can continue to grow the product, and the conspiracy.