“Wouldn’t we rather deal in truth, than in pretend.. isn’t that the new narrative — to be truthful, to be humble, to be approachable, to be authentic! That’s the catch word, that’s the buzz word recently — authenticity. There is not a single Instagram account that has influential status that is truly authentic. But I would want to say that there is almost 99% of authenticity in social audio, so doesn’t that make social audio the more valuable platform?”
The words of Michael Zeitgeist that can be read above or listened to via the video. These quotes come directly from one of his casts over on the Limor platform, which he recorded, edited and published on the app all within minutes.

Michael is one of many valued users over on the Limor app, who has taken to social audio like a fish to water and begun to produce regular casts with ease using Limor and thereby growing his following.
He is an early adopter of social audio like the majority of people on Limor and as a result, is paving the way for audio content creation and interaction on content.
Michael makes some very good points throughout this four minute social audio cast, and has been uploading some other really interesting pieces of content to his profile over the last few weeks which are all available to listen to now. One thing he speaks about, other than the obvious comparisons between ‘social audio’ and traditional ‘social media’ (one being voice and the other being visual), is how the role of the “influencer” in today’s world works on both.

It is much easier to lie and portray the perfect life with visual aids and text on traditional social media, which has paved the way for numerous influencers to build up a network of “paid partnerships” that you surely have seen throughout your Instagram newsfeed. The problem with this, however, is when the saturation of these influencers and adverts begin to hinder the user experience, and when people start to realise the difference between ‘staged’ and ‘authentic’.
There is a new direction that the world of technology is going in now, and it is back to the basics of voice and audio — where it is much harder to lie and therefore much easier for consumers and listeners to hear truthful and authentic material. Advances in voice technology is occurring at a staggering rate and this is why the increase in audio material has been on a constant rise over the last few years, particularly in the world of podcasting. 10 years ago podcasters would never have received these paid partnerships from companies wanting to sponsor their material, but now, in 2019 and with these advances in technology and social media, this new genre of social audio that Limor has created has opened the doors for new influencers of voice to begin their reign.
The fact that people are looking for new forms of media in this day and age also has lent itself perfectly for the timing of Limor’s full launch, which was in September of 2018 on both iOS and Android.
Many people boast millions of followers on Instagram or Twitter, but imagine these same people having that many followers on a social app which takes the best aspects of these already existing social media platforms but also combines in podcasting and audio creation. This allows the content creator (and sponsor) to see how many people are listening to their casts, liking / sharing their casts and enables them to use the voice comments feature to respond to their followers and create a whole new open source conversation in the comments section.

“One day Instagram will be MySpace. 98% of people reading this right now, if Instagram broke and disappeared off the face of the earth tomorrow, they would fall off the face of the earth. Get your LinkedIn, and your blog, and your email, and your PODCAST game up! Why are you one dimensional?”- Gary Vee
The words of Gary Vaynerchuk outline just how important it is to make sure you are getting your content out on various platforms, one of which has to be some sort of audio platform to start building your sonic identity for the years to come when voice is going to dominate the market. Limor is the perfect platform to do this on. Not only is it free to download and use, it is also very user friendly as it has taken the best aspects of already existing social apps so basically anyone can get started in minutes.
There is nothing new about podcasting, but because social audio and Limor are both so new it gives you the chance to be a leader in the genre, build up a following on the app, speak directly with these followers and become an influencer of voice and social audio.
It couldn’t be any easy to get started:
— Download Limor from the App Store or Google Play for free.
— Create your profile, same as you would on other social platforms.
— Start listening to casts, or creating your own audio content.